Kittens vs Cougars

Kittens vs Cougars

Has anyone noticed a resurgence of the term "cougar" being used to describe 40 something women? I recall this term being bantered about in the late 80's or early 90's but now it's back in style or so it seems. I think this title was coined by an actual group of women and introduced to the public by a talk show. The theme of the show presumably dealt with women who were on the prowl for much younger boy toys. Now, lets flash forward to the current brain numbing drivel called "reality t.v." and take a gander at the show "The Age Of Love." Apparently the show managed to find some lame brains who were willing to participate in a competition that pits 20 something "kittens" against 40 something "cougars" all vying for a 30 something man. What a sweet, heart warming premise that would certainly make a great story for the couples potential grandkids. If you are a fan of this show or any similar show that makes women compete against each other for the attention of a man then maybe you should stop reading this post. Then again maybe you should read on. If you haven't already figured out by my tone where I stand on this, then let me spell it out. This show and the feline labelling of women is offensive! As a matter of a fact I would give it a very poor report card of all D's namely:Degrading, Demeaning, Disparging, Defaming, Distasteful, Disgusting, Dispicable, Disgraceful, Disturbing and basically Dumb. Is society becoming so shallow that we need to perpetuate these stereotypes and grouping of women by age? Do we really want daughters to feel as if they could be in competition with their mother for the same boyfriend? Just my opinion.

Wanda Lynne


Karabana said...

The double standard is you'd never see a reality show with 20 something "tomcats" & 40 yr old "panthers" vying for a 30 something bachelorette.

Wanda Lynne Young said...

Shhhh! If that idea gets out there the t.v. morons will build a show around it! Good point though. I'm going to build on that topic and submit it for the magazine.

Karabana said...

Yeah, they may have it in the works already, *sigh*.

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